For Whom - feb 06 2008
The malls had closed. All flights out of O’Hare were cancelled. The local forecasters forecasted the end of the world (while national forecasters simply said there would be snow). Somewhere on the Kennedy, a car slid into the median. Somewhere on the streets city workers prepared for overtime. And Kyle Beachy said the show must go on.
It turns out that both the national weather forecasters and Kyle were right: there was some snow (but not the end of the world), and the show sure as hell must go on. Good thing, too, because the show kicked ass.
Liz Birch sent us a digital message to start things off. Then we had Anders Nilsen’s very touching graphic welcome to the world and the poetry of children and Margaret Chapman. Meg Barboza showed up in her pjs and showed off her lyric mastery, and Janie Porsche corresponded formally with John Donne. Lauren Pretnar shared a story filled with the fear and love of parenting. Erin Teegarden shined her red light on the age of Sagittarius, and Monica Long reminded us why we dislike Chuck Palahniuk. Kyle read a story for a woman he greatly admires. And the night ended with the mumblings from the strange and wonderful mind of Chris Bower.
Outside a fresh new layer of snow covered the soot-coated icy patches from before, and maybe the temperature dropped, and maybe the snow fell all night, but
the snow is snowin,
wind is blowin
but we can weather the storm...
what do we care how much it may storm?
we've got rec room to keep us warm
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